Protecting Your Natural Hair from Sun
The direct UV and heat exposure causes natural hair oils to evaporate, stripping your hair of moisture. This can lead to brittle, dry, and

Key Nutrients Necessary for Natural Healthy Hair Growth
There are tons of products designed to improve the look and condition of your hair, but eating healthy is key to having nice-looking hair...

Should I Trim My Hair?
Trimming your hair may seem counterproductive if you are looking to build length. However, there are some reasons why trimming your hair...

Hairstyles For Length Retention
One of the most common and effective ways to retain hair growth is…

Five Reasons Why You Can Not Keep Length...
( Creator/Owner of Mane Like Me Hair Products) Www.manelikeme.com Breakage According to experts... the hair's structure consists of 3...

Hold Up...What is Going on With My Hair Growth?!
For on-going years, hair growth has been an uphill battle for many women... in particularly, black women --trying to understand and manage..